Exploring HVAC Maintenance and RepairsExploring HVAC Maintenance and Repairs

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Exploring HVAC Maintenance and Repairs

Hi there, my name is Michelle. I created this site to talk to you about maintaining your HVAC system on your own and with help from contractors. Your HVAC system controls the temperature and air quality in your home. When this system starts to malfunction, you may notice a decrease in your comfort levels. You can perform preventative maintenance to keep this system running year round. From these posts you'll hopefully be able to learn about DIY and professional maintenance tasks that need to be performed regularly. My site will also cover common faults and repairs for HVAC components. Thank you.

Is A Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner Right For Your Home?

Ductless mini-split systems are an efficient and relatively straightforward way to get the benefits of a central air conditioner without the added cost of installing and maintaining ductwork. These systems can perform similarly to central air conditioning systems, especially in smaller spaces where a single head-unit can provide sufficient cooling.

Of course, as with all HVAC installations, there won't be a single correct answer for every home and every situation. Instead, you may want to see if any of these three scenarios apply to you before deciding if a ductless mini-split is the most efficient upgrade for your home.

1. You Don't Have Existing Ductwork

Arguably the number one reason to install a ductless mini-split system is to avoid the cost of ductwork installation. Central air conditioning systems share their ductwork with forced-air heating systems. However, not every older home will use forced-air heating. If your home uses hydronic or baseboard heating, you might not have any existing ductwork.

In these cases, installing new ductwork in your home will likely be a major part of your installation costs. These costs can add up if you don't have easy access behind walls and ceilings. Since a mini-split system doesn't require any ductwork, you'll avoid these costs altogether and potentially save a lot of money on your air conditioning installation.

2. Your Winters Don't Get Very Cold

One advantage of mini-split systems is that they are typically heat pumps instead of traditional air conditioners. A heat pump is effectively a reversible air conditioning system. During the summer, a mini-split uses refrigerant to transport heat from your home to the outside environment. However, the system can reverse the refrigerant flow in the winter to provide heating.

These systems are incredibly efficient but lose some of their efficiency in very cold environments. However, if you live in an area where the winters don't get very cold, a mini-split air conditioning system can solve two problems simultaneously. In addition to getting a new air conditioning system, you'll also be upgrading to a high-performance heating solution.

3. You Can't Make Major Modifications

Sometimes, making major modifications to your home may not be an option. For example, if you live in a condo or a townhome with shared walls, you may be unable to install ductwork in the most efficient locations. Solutions do exist (such as running ductwork through closets), but these can be expensive or may intrude on your living area.

Since mini-splits don't require any major modifications, they are a great solution for these situations. A mini-split head unit "hangs" on the wall like a picture frame, so you won't need to cut any large holes in your walls. As a result, you can get a new, high-end air conditioning system with a minimal amount of disruption.

For more information, contact a company like STA SO COOL HVAC.